Hospice: Submit Your Patient File CAHPS Export

Mark Your Calendar

You must submit your CAHPS® export between the 1st and 16th day of every month. For example, beginning August 1st, you can submit your July export. We must have it by August 16th to have it checked and ready for our interviewers. ( Hospice timeline)

How to Upload Your CAHPS® Export

  1. Generate the CAHPS® report through your medical software (EMR). (If you need assistance, contact your software vendor.)
  2. Download and save the report onto your computer.
  3. Open and check the file to ensure the data is complete and correct.
  4. Go to the CAHPS® upload tool on our website.
  5. Enter your 6-digit CCN, also called Provider ID, in the top box.
  6. Your agency name and survey file type will auto-populate.
  7. Enter the name of your software vendor.
  8. Enter the export format (EX: PINNACLE, SHP, FAZZI, etc.)
  9. Enter the email address where you would like to receive a confirmation email of your submission.
  10. Attach the file saved to your computer using the green Choose File button.
  11. Click submit. (The page will reset and a yellow note at the top will appear to let you know the submission was successful.)
  12. Within about 10 minutes of submitting the file, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that it has been successfully received. We meticulously check your file and notify you If there are any problems.

What to Expect after You've Submitted Your CAHPS® Export

  • We send monthly email reminders when your exports are due in order to keep you on track.
  • We will email you the patient file details when your export has gone through the sampling process and is ready for our interviewers. If numbers on this email do not look correct, then contact us as soon as possible to make any corrections.
  • Watch for Comment Alerts. We will notify you right away if a respondent tells an interviewer anything that is extremely bad or good, so you can address it immediately.
  • We’ll put your completed report in My.Pinnacle around the 10th of each month for the last completed sample.

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